We, Agile Advisors, has a leading carbon footprint consultant, have recently reviewed the IPCC report
We, Agile Advisors, has a leading carbon footprint consultant, have recently reviewed the IPCC report and are providing the below summary in this blog.
IPCC released its climate report 2021: The Physical Science Basis. The report provides the latest physical understanding of the climate crisis based on the current state of change in the climate and the influence of human activities on the possible climate futures. These findings were predicted regarding climate science and combined evidence from paleoclimate, observations, process understanding, and global and regional climate simulations.
Something is alarming out there that each of us should realize as fast as possible. Our planet experienced global warming at a pace we have never witnessed in at least 2000 years. We see changes in various parts of our world like melting glaciers, endangered coral reefs, biodiversity loss, etc. Our climate gets altered by the release of greenhouse gases and other pollutants in the environment. The release of these greenhouse gases and pollutants has a direct impact on carbon sequestration. Human activities release more and more carbon dioxide every day, but we are also destroying the natural resources that store this carbon content, increasing our carbon footprint. The climate has started responding to all this at an ever-faster rate now more than ever, like increased global warming, water scarcity, changes in our ocean and sea level, extreme weather conditions and more such climate events. In our role as a carbon footprint consultant, we are assisting companies to assist their carbon impact and set a carbon reduction strategy so that Climate change will be limited under 2 degrees celsius.
We know the current situation has hit the government, cooperate, and individual agendas temporarily, but we cannot afford to ignore the environmental issues coming our way. There is still time to make positive progress towards our shared goal of saving the environment. Our activities can slow down future changes in climate and its effect. We need more people to know this sector to help other sectors proliferate. Being a leading carbon footprint consultant, we are offering advice to our clients on how climate crises can be managed. If you are in need of a carbon footprint consultant, get in touch with us at info@agilemea.com. Sustainability is changing our lifestyle rapidly, be it the type of vehicle we drive, the recycling rate of waste we are producing, demand for clean energy or the need for more sterile water for the coming years. All these are bringing down our global carbon footprint.