Introduction to sustainable development goal 2030 climate action

3 min readAug 12, 2021


The year 2019 was the second warmest year recorded, the decade 2010–2019 was one of the warmest decades recorded ever. The concentration of carbon dioxide and the GHGs have risen to new records during the year 2019. The effects of climate change and global warming is being seen all across the globe. It is now disrupting lives, economy and business etc.

As a carbon footprint consultant, we are helping companies set carbon strategies so that they can reduce their emissions and play their role in climate change mitigation. We saw a temporary drop within the emission during the year 2020 because economic activities slow down as a result of covid 19 pandemic. These effects were temporary and now the economies have started to recover. The emissions are now increasing and may hit a new higher level in the coming 2–3 years. By addressing the climate emergency thousands of lives and livelihood can be saved.

The Paris agreement, which was signed in the year 2015 aims to strengthen the response to climate change effects by keeping the global warming temperature rise under 2 degrees Celsius by 2050. Being Carbon footprint consultant, we are working with several organizations in reducing their emissions and also setting Science-Based Targets (SBTi) in order to support the Paris agreement and the reduction of emissions.

Globally as the governments now restart rebuilding their economy after one year of covid 19 pandemics. This opportunity can be taken to shape an economy that supports clean and green energy that reduces emissions as well as provides a healthy and safe environment for people. The current pandemic crisis can also be seen as an opportunity for shifting towards a sustainable economy that is in balance with people as well as the environment.

The role of carbon footprint consultant has been more and more important in such times where emissions need to be estimated and managed in order to build a sustainable economy. The general secretary of the United Nations has proposed some of the steps that governments could take globally in order to balance growth as well as environmental issues:

  1. Transitioning to the green economy where investment is directed to project reduce the carbon intensity.
  2. Developing job opportunities for the green and clean sector.
  3. Making our economy society, and people more resilient and equitable where no one is left behind.
  4. Investment is directed towards sustainable solutions aimed at reducing the fossil fuel subsidy and embracing the principles of polluters must pay.

In the coming years global emissions are showing the sign of reaching new record levels, and the peak is not in sight any time soon. Leaders of all the countries need to come up with concrete and realistic plan on how to manage their GHG emissions through the nationally determined contributions as agreed under United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

Our team of carbon footprint consultant has also supported development of nationally determined contributions. We, Agile Advisors, are hopeful as carbon footprint consultant that globally the governments will provide the required attention to the issue of global warming and climate change and work towards the green economy that shall reduce the greenhouse gas emissions and limit global warming to under 2 degrees Celsius if not 1.5-degree Celsius.




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