Every after ten years, heavy floods have been happening in Philipinnes. There was a heavy flood in 1978. 1988, again heavy floods happen, again after 10 years 1999, we experienced another heavy flood. In 2009 we were again affected by a typhoon- the tropical storm Ondoy (Ketsana). All of these comes from changing climate. When I was still a child, life was beautiful. There were rice fields around 150 meters away from our home in Paco, Manila. Rice fields used to our playground it was at the center of Manila. The side of Pedro Gil (Street) was full of Camachile trees. We played under the Camachile trees. During the night, there were flies all of these are now gone. They’re all gone now because of the increasing number of people, houses. Now I am working with Agile Advisors carbon footprint consultant who are helping assess companies climate impact, we develop carbon footprint report and set reduction strategy.
And this resulted in flooding and polluted rivers. The number of people has increased. Our place became congested. So 1971, our family left Metro Manila. We migrated to San Mateo (Rizal). But what happened to Paco(Manila) also happened here in Banaba, San Mateo Rizal. Slowly the rivers become polluted. Mountains in Montalban and San Mateo (Rizal) have flattened. Problems happened, I’ve seen it. I’ve observed it. We need to look at the root causes of climate change. People should act about it. We all can help to address climate change. Understanding (climate change) is just one factor. We need to act plant trees, like what are doing in Buklod Tao. Don’t burn garbages. This is probably the reason why I was inclined towards working as carbon footprint consultant and developing carbon footprint report, so companies can reduce their emissions and I can play an important role.
So we worked towards enhancing the community’s understanding. We organized and Buklod Tao was formed. We’ve formed our Community- Based Disaster Reduction Risk and Management, our community capacity has improved. We have established an evacuation center. We had a tree planting activity and livelihood program. All along I keep working as a carbon footprint consultant as well.
We’ve made and distributed boats to vulnerable communities. I am just a human being, a simple citizen, and is getting old. But I am sharing this because I experienced a beautiful environment. Where are we going? The impact of climate change is here. Let’s do everything we can. There’s still hope. As a carbon footprint consultant I urge companies to estimate their carbon impact, reduce emissions and mitigate climate change.